Dialect: all
This dialect is intended to include
all other dialects in the mavlink/mavlink repository (including external dialects).
Dialects that are in all.xml are guaranteed to not have clashes in messages, enums, enum ids, and MAV_CMDs. This ensure that:
- Systems based on these dialects can co-exist on the same MAVLink network.
- A Ground Station might (optionally) use libraries generated from all.xml to communicate using any of the dialects.
- New dialect files in the official repository must be added to all.xml and restrict themselves to using ids in their own allocated range.
- Dialects should push changes to mavlink/mavlink in order to avoid potential clashes from changes to other dialects.
A few older dialects are not included because these operate in completely closed networks or because they are only used for tests.
This topic is a human-readable form of the XML definition file: all.xml.
- MAVLink 2 extension fields are displayed in blue.
- Entities from dialects are displayed only as headings (with link to original)
MAVLink Include Files
- ardupilotmega.xml
- ASLUAV.xml
- common.xml
- development.xml
- icarous.xml
- minimal.xml
- python_array_test.xml
- standard.xml
- test.xml
- ualberta.xml
- uAvionix.xml
- storm32.xml
- cubepilot.xml
- csAirLink.xml
Type | Defined | Included |
Messages | 0 | 372 |
Enums | 0 | 235 |
Commands | 217 | 0 |
The following sections list all entities in the dialect (both included and defined in this file).