Dialect: development

This dialect contains messages that are proposed for inclusion in the standard set, in order to ease development of prototype implementations. They should be considered a 'work in progress' and not included in production builds.

This topic is a human-readable form of the XML definition file: development.xml.

MAVLink 2 messages have an ID > 255 and are marked up using (MAVLink 2) in their description.

MAVLink 2 extension fields that have been added to MAVLink 1 messages are displayed in blue.

MAVLink Include Files: common.xml

The current MAVLink version is 2.0. The minor version numbers (after the dot) range from 1-255.

This file has protocol dialect: 0.

MAVLink Type Enumerations


[Enum] WiFi wireless security protocols.

ValueField NameDescription
0WIFI_NETWORK_SECURITY_UNDEFINEDUndefined or unknown security protocol.
1WIFI_NETWORK_SECURITY_OPENOpen network, no security.


[Enum] Airspeed sensor flags

ValueField NameDescription
0AIRSPEED_SENSOR_UNHEALTHYAirspeed sensor is unhealthy
1AIRSPEED_SENSOR_USINGTrue if the data from this sensor is being actively used by the flight controller for guidance, navigation or control.


[Enum] Possible transport layers to set and get parameters via mavlink during a parameter transaction.

ValueField NameDescription
0PARAM_TRANSACTION_TRANSPORT_PARAMTransaction over param transport.
1PARAM_TRANSACTION_TRANSPORT_PARAM_EXTTransaction over param_ext transport.


[Enum] Possible parameter transaction actions.

ValueField NameDescription
0PARAM_TRANSACTION_ACTION_STARTCommit the current parameter transaction.
1PARAM_TRANSACTION_ACTION_COMMITCommit the current parameter transaction.
2PARAM_TRANSACTION_ACTION_CANCELCancel the current parameter transaction.


[Enum] Standard modes with a well understood meaning across flight stacks and vehicle types. For example, most flight stack have the concept of a "return" or "RTL" mode that takes a vehicle to safety, even though the precise mechanics of this mode may differ. Modes may be set using MAV_CMD_DO_SET_STANDARD_MODE.

ValueField NameDescription
0MAV_STANDARD_MODE_NON_STANDARDNon standard mode. This may be used when reporting the mode if the current flight mode is not a standard mode.
1MAV_STANDARD_MODE_POSITION_HOLDPosition mode (manual). Position-controlled and stabilized manual mode. When sticks are released vehicles return to their level-flight orientation and hold both position and altitude against wind and external forces. This mode can only be set by vehicles that can hold a fixed position. Multicopter (MC) vehicles actively brake and hold both position and altitude against wind and external forces. Hybrid MC/FW ("VTOL") vehicles first transition to multicopter mode (if needed) but otherwise behave in the same way as MC vehicles. Fixed-wing (FW) vehicles must not support this mode. Other vehicle types must not support this mode (this may be revisited through the PR process).
2MAV_STANDARD_MODE_ORBITOrbit (manual). Position-controlled and stabilized manual mode. The vehicle circles around a fixed setpoint in the horizontal plane at a particular radius, altitude, and direction. Flight stacks may further allow manual control over the setpoint position, radius, direction, speed, and/or altitude of the circle, but this is not mandated. Flight stacks may support the [MAV_CMD_DO_ORBIT](https://mavlink.io/en/messages/common.html#MAV_CMD_DO_ORBIT) for changing the orbit parameters. MC and FW vehicles may support this mode. Hybrid MC/FW ("VTOL") vehicles may support this mode in MC/FW or both modes; if the mode is not supported by the current configuration the vehicle should transition to the supported configuration. Other vehicle types must not support this mode (this may be revisited through the PR process).
3MAV_STANDARD_MODE_CRUISECruise mode (manual). Position-controlled and stabilized manual mode. When sticks are released vehicles return to their level-flight orientation and hold their original track against wind and external forces. Fixed-wing (FW) vehicles level orientation and maintain current track and altitude against wind and external forces. Hybrid MC/FW ("VTOL") vehicles first transition to FW mode (if needed) but otherwise behave in the same way as MC vehicles. Multicopter (MC) vehicles must not support this mode. Other vehicle types must not support this mode (this may be revisited through the PR process).
4MAV_STANDARD_MODE_ALTITUDE_HOLDAltitude hold (manual). Altitude-controlled and stabilized manual mode. When sticks are released vehicles return to their level-flight orientation and hold their altitude. MC vehicles continue with existing momentum and may move with wind (or other external forces). FW vehicles continue with current heading, but may be moved off-track by wind. Hybrid MC/FW ("VTOL") vehicles behave according to their current configuration/mode (FW or MC). Other vehicle types must not support this mode (this may be revisited through the PR process).
5MAV_STANDARD_MODE_RETURN_HOMEReturn home mode (auto). Automatic mode that returns vehicle to home via a safe flight path. It may also automatically land the vehicle (i.e. RTL). The precise flight path and landing behaviour depend on vehicle configuration and type.
6MAV_STANDARD_MODE_SAFE_RECOVERYSafe recovery mode (auto). Automatic mode that takes vehicle to a predefined safe location via a safe flight path (rally point or mission defined landing) . It may also automatically land the vehicle. The precise return location, flight path, and landing behaviour depend on vehicle configuration and type.
7MAV_STANDARD_MODE_MISSIONMission mode (automatic). Automatic mode that executes MAVLink missions. Missions are executed from the current waypoint as soon as the mode is enabled.
8MAV_STANDARD_MODE_LANDLand mode (auto). Automatic mode that lands the vehicle at the current location. The precise landing behaviour depends on vehicle configuration and type.
9MAV_STANDARD_MODE_TAKEOFFTakeoff mode (auto). Automatic takeoff mode. The precise takeoff behaviour depends on vehicle configuration and type.


[Enum] Mode properties.

ValueField NameDescription
1MAV_MODE_PROPERTY_ADVANCEDIf set, this mode is an advanced mode. For example a rate-controlled manual mode might be advanced, whereas a position-controlled manual mode is not. A GCS can optionally use this flag to configure the UI for its intended users.
2MAV_MODE_PROPERTY_NOT_USER_SELECTABLEIf set, this mode should not be added to the list of selectable modes. The mode might still be selected by the FC directly (for example as part of a failsafe).


[Enum] Battery status flags for fault, health and state indication.

ValueField NameDescription
1MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_NOT_READY_TO_USEThe battery is not ready to use (fly). Set if the battery has faults or other conditions that make it unsafe to fly with. Note: It will be the logical OR of other status bits (chosen by the manufacturer/integrator).
4MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_CELL_BALANCINGBattery is cell balancing (during charging). Not ready to use (MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_NOT_READY_TO_USE may be set).
8MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_FAULT_CELL_IMBALANCEBattery cells are not balanced. Not ready to use.
16MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_AUTO_DISCHARGINGBattery is auto discharging (towards storage level). Not ready to use (MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_NOT_READY_TO_USE would be set).
32MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_REQUIRES_SERVICEBattery requires service (not safe to fly). This is set at vendor discretion. It is likely to be set for most faults, and may also be set according to a maintenance schedule (such as age, or number of recharge cycles, etc.).
64MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_BAD_BATTERYBattery is faulty and cannot be repaired (not safe to fly). This is set at vendor discretion. The battery should be disposed of safely.
128MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_PROTECTIONS_ENABLEDAutomatic battery protection monitoring is enabled. When enabled, the system will monitor for certain kinds of faults, such as cells being over-voltage. If a fault is triggered then and protections are enabled then a safety fault (MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_FAULT_PROTECTION_SYSTEM) will be set and power from the battery will be stopped. Note that battery protection monitoring should only be enabled when the vehicle is landed. Once the vehicle is armed, or starts moving, the protections should be disabled to prevent false positives from disabling the output.
256MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_FAULT_PROTECTION_SYSTEMThe battery fault protection system had detected a fault and cut all power from the battery. This will only trigger if MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_PROTECTIONS_ENABLED is set. Other faults like MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_FAULT_OVER_VOLT may also be set, indicating the cause of the protection fault.
512MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_FAULT_OVER_VOLTOne or more cells are above their maximum voltage rating.
1024MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_FAULT_UNDER_VOLTOne or more cells are below their minimum voltage rating. A battery that had deep-discharged might be irrepairably damaged, and set both MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_FAULT_UNDER_VOLT and MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_BAD_BATTERY.
16384MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_FAULT_SHORT_CIRCUITShort circuit event detected. The battery may or may not be safe to use (check other flags).
32768MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_FAULT_INCOMPATIBLE_VOLTAGEVoltage not compatible with power rail voltage (batteries on same power rail should have similar voltage).
65536MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_FAULT_INCOMPATIBLE_FIRMWAREBattery firmware is not compatible with current autopilot firmware.
131072MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_FAULT_INCOMPATIBLE_CELLS_CONFIGURATIONBattery is not compatible due to cell configuration (e.g. 5s1p when vehicle requires 6s).
262144MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_CAPACITY_RELATIVE_TO_FULLBattery capacity_consumed and capacity_remaining values are relative to a full battery (they sum to the total capacity of the battery). This flag would be set for a smart battery that can accurately determine its remaining charge across vehicle reboots and discharge/recharge cycles. If unset the capacity_consumed indicates the consumption since vehicle power-on, as measured using a power monitor. The capacity_remaining, if provided, indicates the estimated remaining capacity on the assumption that the battery was full on vehicle boot. If unset a GCS is recommended to advise that users fully charge the battery on power on.
4294967295MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_EXTENDEDReserved (not used). If set, this will indicate that an additional status field exists for higher status values.


[Enum] These flags indicate the sensor reporting capabilities for TARGET_ABSOLUTE.

ValueField NameDescription


[Enum] The frame of a target observation from an onboard sensor.

ValueField NameDescription
0TARGET_OBS_FRAME_LOCAL_NEDNED local tangent frame (x: North, y: East, z: Down) with origin fixed relative to earth.
1TARGET_OBS_FRAME_BODY_FRDFRD local frame aligned to the vehicle's attitude (x: Forward, y: Right, z: Down) with an origin that travels with vehicle.
2TARGET_OBS_FRAME_LOCAL_OFFSET_NEDNED local tangent frame (x: North, y: East, z: Down) with an origin that travels with vehicle.
3TARGET_OBS_FRAME_OTHEROther sensor frame for target observations neither in local NED nor in body FRD.


[Enum] RADIO_RC_CHANNELS flags (bitmask).

ValueField NameDescription
1RADIO_RC_CHANNELS_FLAGS_FAILSAFEFailsafe is active. The content of the RC channels data in the RADIO_RC_CHANNELS message is implementation dependent.
2RADIO_RC_CHANNELS_FLAGS_OUTDATEDChannel data may be out of date. This is set when the receiver is unable to validate incoming data from the transmitter and has therefore resent the last valid data it received.

MAVLink Commands (MAV_CMD)

MAVLink commands (MAV_CMD) and messages are different! These commands define the values of up to 7 parameters that are packaged INSIDE specific messages used in the Mission Protocol and Command Protocol. Use commands for actions in missions or if you need acknowledgment and/or retry logic from a request. Otherwise use messages.

Commands to be executed by the MAV. They can be executed on user request, or as part of a mission script. If the action is used in a mission, the parameter mapping to the waypoint/mission message is as follows: Param 1, Param 2, Param 3, Param 4, X: Param 5, Y:Param 6, Z:Param 7. This command list is similar what ARINC 424 is for commercial aircraft: A data format how to interpret waypoint/mission data. NaN and INT32_MAX may be used in float/integer params (respectively) to indicate optional/default values (e.g. to use the component's current yaw or latitude rather than a specific value). See https://mavlink.io/en/guide/xml_schema.html#MAV_CMD for information about the structure of the MAV_CMD entries


WORK IN PROGRESS: Do not use in stable production environments (it may change).

[Command] Fly a figure eight path as defined by the parameters. Set parameters to NaN/INT32_MAX (as appropriate) to use system-default values. The command is intended for fixed wing vehicles (and VTOL hybrids flying in fixed-wing mode), allowing POI tracking for gimbals that don't support infinite rotation. This command only defines the flight path. Speed should be set independently (use e.g. MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED). Yaw and other degrees of freedom are not specified, and will be flight-stack specific (on vehicles where they can be controlled independent of the heading).

Send this command in a COMMAND_INT (if supported by your flight stack), as it specifies positional information. If sent in a COMMAND_LONG, no frame of reference can be set, and lat/lon values in param 5/6 are less precise.

Param (:Label)DescriptionUnits
1: Major RadiusMajor axis radius of the figure eight. Positive: orbit the north circle clockwise. Negative: orbit the north circle counter-clockwise. NaN: The radius will be set to 2.5 times the minor radius and direction is clockwise. Must be greater or equal to two times the minor radius for feasible values.m
2: Minor RadiusMinor axis radius of the figure eight. Defines the radius of the two circles that make up the figure. Negative value has no effect. NaN: The radius will be set to the default loiter radius.m
3Reserved (set to NaN)
4: OrientationOrientation of the figure eight major axis with respect to true north (range: [-pi,pi]). NaN: use default orientation aligned to true north.rad
5: Latitude/XCenter point latitude/X coordinate according to MAV_FRAME. If no MAV_FRAME specified, MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL is assumed. INT32_MAX or NaN: Use current vehicle position, or current center if already loitering.
6: Longitude/YCenter point longitude/Y coordinate according to MAV_FRAME. If no MAV_FRAME specified, MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL is assumed. INT32_MAX or NaN: Use current vehicle position, or current center if already loitering.
7: Altitude/ZCenter point altitude MSL/Z coordinate according to MAV_FRAME. If no MAV_FRAME specified, MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL is assumed. INT32_MAX or NaN: Use current vehicle altitude.


[Command] Request to start or end a parameter transaction. Multiple kinds of transport layers can be used to exchange parameters in the transaction (param, param_ext and mavftp). The command response can either be a success/failure or an in progress in case the receiving side takes some time to apply the parameters.

Param (:Label)DescriptionValues
1: ActionAction to be performed (start, commit, cancel, etc.)PARAM_TRANSACTION_ACTION
2: TransportPossible transport layers to set and get parameters via mavlink during a parameter transaction.PARAM_TRANSACTION_TRANSPORT
3: Transaction IDIdentifier for a specific transaction.


[Command] Request a target system to start an upgrade of one (or all) of its components. For example, the command might be sent to a companion computer to cause it to upgrade a connected flight controller. The system doing the upgrade will report progress using the normal command protocol sequence for a long running operation. Command protocol information: https://mavlink.io/en/services/command.html.

Param (:Label)DescriptionValues
1: Component IDComponent id of the component to be upgraded. If set to 0, all components should be upgraded.MAV_COMPONENT
2: Reboot0: Do not reboot component after the action is executed, 1: Reboot component after the action is executed.min:0 max:1 increment:1
7WIP: upgrade progress report rate (can be used for more granular control).


[Command] Define start of a group of mission items. When control reaches this command a GROUP_START message is emitted. The end of a group is marked using MAV_CMD_GROUP_END with the same group id. Group ids are expected, but not required, to iterate sequentially. Groups can be nested.

Param (:Label)DescriptionValues
1: Group IDMission-unique group id. Group id is limited because only 24 bit integer can be stored in 32 bit float.min:0 max:16777216 increment:1


[Command] Define end of a group of mission items. When control reaches this command a GROUP_END message is emitted. The start of the group is marked is marked using MAV_CMD_GROUP_START with the same group id. Group ids are expected, but not required, to iterate sequentially. Groups can be nested.

Param (:Label)DescriptionValues
1: Group IDMission-unique group id. Group id is limited because only 24 bit integer can be stored in 32 bit float.min:0 max:16777216 increment:1


[Command] Enable the specified standard MAVLink mode. If the mode is not supported the vehicle should ACK with MAV_RESULT_FAILED.

Param (:Label)DescriptionValues
1: Standard ModeThe mode to set.MAV_STANDARD_MODE
2Reserved (set to 0)
3Reserved (set to 0)
4Reserved (set to 0)
5Reserved (set to 0)
6Reserved (set to 0)
7Reserved (set to NaN)


[Command] Allows setting an AT S command of an SiK radio.

Param (:Label)Description
1: Radio instanceThe radio instance, one-based, 0 for all.
2: IndexThe Sx index, e.g. 3 for S3 which is NETID.
3: ValueThe value to set it to, e.g. default 25 for NETID
4Reserved (set to 0)
5Reserved (set to 0)
6Reserved (set to 0)
7Reserved (set to 0)


[Command] Set system and component id. This allows moving of a system and all its components to a new system id, or moving a particular component to a new system/component id. Recipients must reject command addressed to broadcast system ID.

Param (:Label)DescriptionValues
1: System IDNew system ID for target component(s). 0: ignore and reject command (broadcast system ID not allowed).min:1 max:255 increment:1
2: Component IDNew component ID for target component(s). 0: ignore (component IDs don't change).min:0 max:255 increment:1
3: RebootReboot components after ID change. Any non-zero value triggers the reboot.
4Reserved (set to NaN)


[Command] Used to manually set/unset emergency status for remote id. This is for compliance with MOC ASTM docs, specifically F358 section 7.7: "Emergency Status Indicator". The requirement can also be satisfied by automatic setting of the emergency status by flight stack, and that approach is preferred. See https://mavlink.io/en/services/opendroneid.html for more information.

Param (:Label)DescriptionValues
1: NumberSet/unset emergency 0: unset, 1: setmin:0 increment:1
2Reserved (set to NaN)
3Reserved (set to NaN)

MAVLink Messages


[Message] Response from a PARAM_SET message when it is used in a transaction.

Field NameTypeValuesDescription
target_systemuint8_tId of system that sent PARAM_SET message.
target_componentuint8_tId of system that sent PARAM_SET message.
param_idchar[16]Parameter id, terminated by NULL if the length is less than 16 human-readable chars and WITHOUT null termination (NULL) byte if the length is exactly 16 chars - applications have to provide 16+1 bytes storage if the ID is stored as string
param_valuefloatParameter value (new value if PARAM_ACCEPTED, current value otherwise)
param_typeuint8_tMAV_PARAM_TYPEParameter type.
param_resultuint8_tPARAM_ACKResult code.

AIRSPEED ( #295 )

[Message] (MAVLink 2) Airspeed information from a sensor.

Field NameTypeUnitsValuesDescription
iduint8_tSensor ID.
airspeedfloatm/sCalibrated airspeed (CAS).
temperatureint16_tcdegCTemperature. INT16_MAX for value unknown/not supplied.
raw_pressfloathPaRaw differential pressure. NaN for value unknown/not supplied.
flagsuint8_tAIRSPEED_SENSOR_FLAGSAirspeed sensor flags.


[Message] (MAVLink 2) Detected WiFi network status information. This message is sent per each WiFi network detected in range with known SSID and general status parameters.

Field NameTypeUnitsValuesDescription
ssidchar[32]Name of Wi-Fi network (SSID).
channel_iduint8_tWiFi network operating channel ID. Set to 0 if unknown or unidentified.
signal_qualityuint8_t%WiFi network signal quality.
data_rateuint16_tMiB/sWiFi network data rate. Set to UINT16_MAX if data_rate information is not supplied.
securityuint8_tWIFI_NETWORK_SECURITYWiFi network security type.


WORK IN PROGRESS: Do not use in stable production environments (it may change).

[Message] (MAVLink 2) Set temporary maximum limits for horizontal speed, vertical speed and yaw rate. The consumer must stream the current limits in VELOCITY_LIMITS at 1 Hz or more (when limits are being set). The consumer should latch the limits until a new limit is received or the mode is changed.

Field NameTypeUnitsDescription
target_systemuint8_tSystem ID (0 for broadcast).
target_componentuint8_tComponent ID (0 for broadcast).
horizontal_speed_limitfloatm/sLimit for horizontal movement in MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED. NaN: Field not used (ignore)
vertical_speed_limitfloatm/sLimit for vertical movement in MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED. NaN: Field not used (ignore)
yaw_rate_limitfloatrad/sLimit for vehicle turn rate around its yaw axis. NaN: Field not used (ignore)


WORK IN PROGRESS: Do not use in stable production environments (it may change).

[Message] (MAVLink 2) Current limits for horizontal speed, vertical speed and yaw rate, as set by SET_VELOCITY_LIMITS.

Field NameTypeUnitsDescription
horizontal_speed_limitfloatm/sLimit for horizontal movement in MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED. NaN: No limit applied
vertical_speed_limitfloatm/sLimit for vertical movement in MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED. NaN: No limit applied
yaw_rate_limitfloatrad/sLimit for vehicle turn rate around its yaw axis. NaN: No limit applied


WORK IN PROGRESS: Do not use in stable production environments (it may change).

[Message] (MAVLink 2) Vehicle status report that is sent out while figure eight execution is in progress (see MAV_CMD_DO_FIGURE_EIGHT). This may typically send at low rates: of the order of 2Hz.

Field NameTypeUnitsValuesDescription
time_usecuint64_tusTimestamp (UNIX Epoch time or time since system boot). The receiving end can infer timestamp format (since 1.1.1970 or since system boot) by checking for the magnitude of the number.
major_radiusfloatmMajor axis radius of the figure eight. Positive: orbit the north circle clockwise. Negative: orbit the north circle counter-clockwise.
minor_radiusfloatmMinor axis radius of the figure eight. Defines the radius of two circles that make up the figure.
orientationfloatradOrientation of the figure eight major axis with respect to true north in [-pi,pi).
frameuint8_tMAV_FRAMEThe coordinate system of the fields: x, y, z.
xint32_tX coordinate of center point. Coordinate system depends on frame field.
yint32_tY coordinate of center point. Coordinate system depends on frame field.
zfloatmAltitude of center point. Coordinate system depends on frame field.


[Message] (MAVLink 2) Battery dynamic information. This should be streamed (nominally at 1Hz). Static/invariant battery information is sent in SMART_BATTERY_INFO. Note that smart batteries should set the MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_CAPACITY_RELATIVE_TO_FULL bit to indicate that supplied capacity values are relative to a battery that is known to be full. Power monitors would not set this bit, indicating that capacity_consumed is relative to drone power-on, and that other values are estimated based on the assumption that the battery was full on power-on.

Field NameTypeUnitsValuesDescription
iduint8_tBattery ID
temperatureint16_tcdegCTemperature of the whole battery pack (not internal electronics). INT16_MAX field not provided.
voltagefloatVBattery voltage (total). NaN: field not provided.
currentfloatABattery current (through all cells/loads). Positive value when discharging and negative if charging. NaN: field not provided.
capacity_consumedfloatAhConsumed charge. NaN: field not provided. This is either the consumption since power-on or since the battery was full, depending on the value of MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_CAPACITY_RELATIVE_TO_FULL.
capacity_remainingfloatAhRemaining charge (until empty). UINT32_MAX: field not provided. Note: If MAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGS_CAPACITY_RELATIVE_TO_FULL is unset, this value is based on the assumption the battery was full when the system was powered.
percent_remaininguint8_t%Remaining battery energy. Values: [0-100], UINT8_MAX: field not provided.
status_flagsuint32_tMAV_BATTERY_STATUS_FLAGSFault, health, readiness, and other status indications.

GROUP_START ( #414 )

[Message] (MAVLink 2) Emitted during mission execution when control reaches MAV_CMD_GROUP_START.

Field NameTypeUnitsDescription
group_iduint32_tMission-unique group id (from MAV_CMD_GROUP_START).
mission_checksumuint32_tCRC32 checksum of current plan for MAV_MISSION_TYPE_ALL. As defined in MISSION_CHECKSUM message.
time_usecuint64_tusTimestamp (UNIX Epoch time or time since system boot). The receiving end can infer timestamp format (since 1.1.1970 or since system boot) by checking for the magnitude of the number.

GROUP_END ( #415 )

[Message] (MAVLink 2) Emitted during mission execution when control reaches MAV_CMD_GROUP_END.

Field NameTypeUnitsDescription
group_iduint32_tMission-unique group id (from MAV_CMD_GROUP_END).
mission_checksumuint32_tCRC32 checksum of current plan for MAV_MISSION_TYPE_ALL. As defined in MISSION_CHECKSUM message.
time_usecuint64_tusTimestamp (UNIX Epoch time or time since system boot). The receiving end can infer timestamp format (since 1.1.1970 or since system boot) by checking for the magnitude of the number.


[Message] (MAVLink 2) RC channel outputs from a MAVLink RC receiver for input to a flight controller or other components (allows an RC receiver to connect via MAVLink instead of some other protocol such as PPM-Sum or S.BUS). Note that this is not intended to be an over-the-air format, and does not replace RC_CHANNELS and similar messages reported by the flight controller. The target_system field should normally be set to the system id of the system to control, typically the flight controller. The target_component field can normally be set to 0, so that all components of the system can receive the message. The channels array field can publish up to 32 channels; the number of channel items used in the array is specified in the count field. The time_last_update_ms field contains the timestamp of the last received valid channels data in the receiver's time domain. The count field indicates the first index of the channel array that is not used for channel data (this and later indexes are zero-filled). The RADIO_RC_CHANNELS_FLAGS_OUTDATED flag is set by the receiver if the channels data is not up-to-date (for example, if new data from the transmitter could not be validated so the last valid data is resent). The RADIO_RC_CHANNELS_FLAGS_FAILSAFE failsafe flag is set by the receiver if the receiver's failsafe condition is met (implementation dependent, e.g., connection to the RC radio is lost). In this case time_last_update_ms still contains the timestamp of the last valid channels data, but the content of the channels data is not defined by the protocol (it is up to the implementation of the receiver). For instance, the channels data could contain failsafe values configured in the receiver; the default is to carry the last valid data. Note: The RC channels fields are extensions to ensure that they are located at the end of the serialized payload and subject to MAVLink's trailing-zero trimming.

Field NameTypeUnitsValuesDescription
target_systemuint8_tSystem ID (ID of target system, normally flight controller).
target_componentuint8_tComponent ID (normally 0 for broadcast).
time_last_update_msuint32_tmsTime when the data in the channels field were last updated (time since boot in the receiver's time domain).
flagsuint16_tRADIO_RC_CHANNELS_FLAGSRadio RC channels status flags.
countuint8_tTotal number of RC channels being received. This can be larger than 32, indicating that more channels are available but not given in this message.
channels **int16_t[32]RC channels. Channel values are in centered 13 bit format. Range is -4096 to 4096, center is 0. Conversion to PWM is x * 5/32 + 1500. Channels with indexes equal or above count should be set to 0, to benefit from MAVLink's trailing-zero trimming.


[Message] (MAVLink 2) Get information about a particular flight modes. The message can be enumerated or requested for a particular mode using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE. Specify 0 in param2 to request that the message is emitted for all available modes or the specific index for just one mode. The modes must be available/settable for the current vehicle/frame type. Each modes should only be emitted once (even if it is both standard and custom).

Field NameTypeValuesDescription
number_modesuint8_tThe total number of available modes for the current vehicle type.
mode_indexuint8_tThe current mode index within number_modes, indexed from 1.
standard_modeuint8_tMAV_STANDARD_MODEStandard mode.
custom_modeuint32_tA bitfield for use for autopilot-specific flags
propertiesuint32_tMAV_MODE_PROPERTYMode properties.
mode_namechar[35]Name of custom mode, with null termination character. Should be omitted for standard modes.


[Message] (MAVLink 2) Get the current mode. This should be emitted on any mode change, and broadcast at low rate (nominally 0.5 Hz). It may be requested using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE.

Field NameTypeValuesDescription
standard_modeuint8_tMAV_STANDARD_MODEStandard mode.
custom_modeuint32_tA bitfield for use for autopilot-specific flags
intended_custom_modeuint32_tThe custom_mode of the mode that was last commanded by the user (for example, with MAV_CMD_DO_SET_STANDARD_MODE, MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE or via RC). This should usually be the same as custom_mode. It will be different if the vehicle is unable to enter the intended mode, or has left that mode due to a failsafe condition. 0 indicates the intended custom mode is unknown/not supplied


[Message] (MAVLink 2) A change to the sequence number indicates that the set of AVAILABLE_MODES has changed. A receiver must re-request all available modes whenever the sequence number changes. This is only emitted after the first change and should then be broadcast at low rate (nominally 0.3 Hz) and on change.

Field NameTypeDescription
sequint8_tSequence number. The value iterates sequentially whenever AVAILABLE_MODES changes (e.g. support for a new mode is added/removed dynamically).


[Message] (MAVLink 2) Current motion information from sensors on a target

Field NameTypeUnitsValuesDescription
timestampuint64_tusTimestamp (UNIX epoch time).
iduint8_tThe ID of the target if multiple targets are present
sensor_capabilitiesuint8_tTARGET_ABSOLUTE_SENSOR_CAPABILITY_FLAGSBitmap to indicate the sensor's reporting capabilities
latint32_tdegE7Target's latitude (WGS84)
lonint32_tdegE7Target's longitude (WGS84)
altfloatmTarget's altitude (AMSL)
velfloat[3]m/sTarget's velocity in its body frame
accfloat[3]m/s/sLinear target's acceleration in its body frame
q_targetfloat[4]Quaternion of the target's orientation from its body frame to the vehicle's NED frame.
ratesfloat[3]rad/sTarget's roll, pitch and yaw rates
position_stdfloat[2]mStandard deviation of horizontal (eph) and vertical (epv) position errors
vel_stdfloat[3]m/sStandard deviation of the target's velocity in its body frame
acc_stdfloat[3]m/s/sStandard deviation of the target's acceleration in its body frame


[Message] (MAVLink 2) The location of a target measured by MAV's onboard sensors.

Field NameTypeUnitsValuesDescription
timestampuint64_tusTimestamp (UNIX epoch time)
iduint8_tThe ID of the target if multiple targets are present
frameuint8_tTARGET_OBS_FRAMECoordinate frame used for following fields.
xfloatmX Position of the target in TARGET_OBS_FRAME
yfloatmY Position of the target in TARGET_OBS_FRAME
zfloatmZ Position of the target in TARGET_OBS_FRAME
pos_stdfloat[3]mStandard deviation of the target's position in TARGET_OBS_FRAME
yaw_stdfloatradStandard deviation of the target's orientation in TARGET_OBS_FRAME
q_targetfloat[4]Quaternion of the target's orientation from the target's frame to the TARGET_OBS_FRAME (w, x, y, z order, zero-rotation is 1, 0, 0, 0)
q_sensorfloat[4]Quaternion of the sensor's orientation from TARGET_OBS_FRAME to vehicle-carried NED. (Ignored if set to (0,0,0,0)) (w, x, y, z order, zero-rotation is 1, 0, 0, 0)
typeuint8_tLANDING_TARGET_TYPEType of target

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