MAVLink 为一种设计用于资源受限系统及带宽受限链路的二进制遥测协议。 MAVLink 主要发行了两个版本: v1.0 和 v2.0 ,这两个版本向后兼容 (即 v2.0 版可以分析和发送 v1.0 版数据包)。 遥测数据流是以广播方式发送的, 而协议方面改变了系统配置, 并保证诸如任务协议或参数协议</1> 这类点对点式、需重新传输的消息。 MAVLink 主要发行了两个版本: v1.0 和 v2.0 ,这两个版本向后兼容 (即 v2.0 版可以分析和发送 v1.0 版数据包)。 Telemetry data streams are sent in a multicast design while protocol aspects that change the system configuration and require guaranteed delivery like the mission protocol or parameter protocol are point-to-point with retransmission.
MAVLink 2 的数据包格式
Below is the over-the-wire format for a MAVLink v2 packet. 内存中的表示方式可能会有所不同。
uint8_t magic; ///< protocol magic marker
uint8_t len; ///< Length of payload
uint8_t incompat_flags; ///< flags that must be understood
uint8_t compat_flags; ///< flags that can be ignored if not understood
uint8_t seq; ///< Sequence of packet
uint8_t sysid; ///< ID of message sender system/aircraft
uint8_t compid; ///< ID of the message sender component
uint8_t msgid 0:7; ///< first 8 bits of the ID of the message
uint8_t msgid 8:15; ///< middle 8 bits of the ID of the message
uint8_t msgid 16:23; ///< last 8 bits of the ID of the message
uint8_t payload[max 255]; ///< A maximum of 255 payload bytes
uint16_t checksum; ///< CRC-16/MCRF4XX
uint8_t signature[13]; ///< Signature which allows ensuring that the link is tamper-proof (optional)
The MAVLink 1 packet format is similar, but omits incompat_flags
, compat_flags
and signature
, and only has a single byte for the message address. For more information see Serialization > Packet Format.
MAVLink 链路上的数据包格式是专为资源受限优化过的,所以其中数据域的次序与 XML 规则中的次序不一致。 The over-the-wire generator sorts all fields of the message according to size, with the largest fields (uint64_t
) first, then down to smaller fields. The sorting is done using a stable sorting algorithm, which ensures that any fields that do not need to be reordered stay in the same relative order. 这也可以避免编解码时的对齐问题,使打包/解包算法更高效。
For more information and specific exceptions see Serialization.
Multicast Streams vs. Guaranteed Delivery
Mavlink 是为混合网络系统构建的。在这些网络中,高速数据流从数据源(通常是无人机)流向数据接收器 (通常是地面站),但是它与确保是发送的数据流是混合在一起的。 The key insight is that for most telemetry streams there is not a known or single recipient: Instead, typically an onboard computer, a ground control station and a cloud system all need the same data stream.
On the other hand configuring the onboard mission or changing the system configuration with onboard parameters requires point-to-point communication with guaranteed delivery. 通过使用多种发送方式,MAVLink 可达到很高的效率。
在主题模式下,协议将不会为了节省带宽而省略掉目标系统及组件的 ID 号。 所有自动驾驶仪的数据流如位置、姿态都是这种通信模式的例子。
在点对点式通信中,MAVLink 使用目标系统的 ID 号和组件的 ID 号。 在使用这些域(任务,参数,命令)的多数情况下,子协议也可以保证采用确保式发送。
MAVLink implements two integrity checks: The first check is on the integrity of the packet during transmission using the CRC-16/MCRF4XX checksum. 但是这只能保证数据没被链路改变,不能保证数据定义的一致性。 The second integrity check is on the data description to ensure that two messages with the same ID are indeed containing the same information. 为了达到此目的,数据定义本身也进行了 CRC-16-CCITT ,结果用作此数据包 CRC 的种子。 Most reference implementations store this constant in an array named CRC_EXTRA.