Installing MAVLink Toolchain

This topic explains how to install the MAVLink toolchain. The toolchain includes the XML message definitions as well as the the GUI/command line tools that use the definitions to Generate MAVLink Source Files.

如果你使用的是C编程语言和标准方言,则不需要安装或者生成源文件。 只需要获取预构建的库然后跳转到Using C Libraries


The requirements for using the MAVLink generator are:

  • Python 3.3+
  • Python future模块
  • TkInter (required to use the GUI tool).
  • 环境变量PYTHONPATH必须包含mavlink存储库的目录路径。

If you are creating new XML definitions you should also install lxml and libxml2 for XML validation and formatting.


To install the MAVLink toolchain:

  1. Install Python 3.6+:

    • Windows:Python for Windows下载。
    • Ubuntu Linux Python 3 is present on 18.04 and 20.04 by default but you will need to install the pip3 package manager: sudo apt install python3-pip
  2. Install the future module:

    • Windows: pip3 install future
    • Linux: pip3 install --user future
  3. (Recommended) Install modules for XML validation and formatting:

    • Linux: sudo apt install python3-lxml libxml2-utils
  4. Install TkInter

    • Windows: Installed already as part of Python for Windows
    • Linux: Enter the following terminal command: sudo apt install python3-tk
  5. Clone the official mavlink repo or your fork with your custom dialect:

     git clone --recursive
  1. Set PYTHONPATH to the directory path containing your mavlink repository. This will allow you to launch the tool from anywhere using Python's module argument python3 -m mavgenerate.

    • Windows: set PYTHONPATH=C:\path_to_root_of_cloned_mavlink_repository
    • Linux: PYTHONPATH=path_to_root_of_cloned_mavlink_repository

Now you are ready to Generate MAVLink Libraries.

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