Dialect: AVSSUAS
This topic documents the version of the dialect file in the mavlink/mavlink Github repository, which may not be up to date with the file in the source repository (it is up to the dialect owner to push changes when needed). The source repo should be listed in the comments at the top of the XML definition file listed below (but may not be).
This topic is a human-readable form of the XML definition file: AVSSUAS.xml.
- MAVLink 2 extension fields are displayed in blue.
- Entities from dialects are displayed only as headings (with link to original)
Protocol dialect: 1
Protocol version: 2
MAVLink Include Files
Type | Defined | Included |
Messages | 4 | 229 |
Enums | 3 | 146 |
Commands | 172 | 0 |
The following sections list all entities in the dialect (both included and defined in this file).
AVSS PRS system status.
Field Name | Type | Units | 描述 |
time_boot_ms | uint32_t | ms | Timestamp (time since PRS boot). |
error_status | uint32_t | PRS error statuses | |
battery_status | uint32_t | Estimated battery run-time without a remote connection and PRS battery voltage | |
arm_status | uint8_t | PRS arm statuses | |
charge_status | uint8_t | PRS battery charge statuses |
Drone position.
Field Name | Type | Units | 描述 |
time_boot_ms | uint32_t | ms | Timestamp (time since FC boot). |
lat | int32_t | degE7 | Latitude, expressed |
lon | int32_t | degE7 | Longitude, expressed |
alt | int32_t | 毫米 | Altitude (MSL). Note that virtually all GPS modules provide both WGS84 and MSL. |
ground_alt | float | m | Altitude above ground, This altitude is measured by a ultrasound, Laser rangefinder or millimeter-wave radar |
barometer_alt | float | m | This altitude is measured by a barometer |
Drone IMU data. Quaternion order is w, x, y, z and a zero rotation would be expressed as (1 0 0 0).
Field Name | Type | Units | 描述 |
time_boot_ms | uint32_t | ms | Timestamp (time since FC boot). |
q1 | float | Quaternion component 1, w (1 in null-rotation) | |
q2 | float | Quaternion component 2, x (0 in null-rotation) | |
q3 | float | Quaternion component 3, y (0 in null-rotation) | |
q4 | float | Quaternion component 4, z (0 in null-rotation) | |
xacc | float | m/s/s | X acceleration |
yacc | float | m/s/s | Y acceleration |
zacc | float | m/s/s | Z acceleration |
xgyro | float | rad/s | Angular speed around X axis |
ygyro | float | rad/s | Angular speed around Y axis |
zgyro | float | rad/s | Angular speed around Z axis |
Drone operation mode.
Field Name | Type | Units | 描述 |
time_boot_ms | uint32_t | ms | Timestamp (time since FC boot). |
M300_operation_mode | uint8_t | DJI M300 operation mode | |
horsefly_operation_mode | uint8_t | horsefly operation mode |
Enumerated Types
值 | Name | 描述 |
1 | PRS_NOT_STEADY | AVSS defined command failure reason. PRS not steady. |
2 | PRS_DTM_NOT_ARMED | AVSS defined command failure reason. PRS DTM not armed. |
3 | PRS_OTM_NOT_ARMED | AVSS defined command failure reason. PRS OTM not armed. |
值 | Name | 描述 |
0 | MODE_M300_MANUAL_CTRL | In manual control mode |
1 | MODE_M300_ATTITUDE | In attitude mode |
6 | MODE_M300_P_GPS | In GPS mode |
9 | MODE_M300_HOTPOINT_MODE | In hotpoint mode |
10 | MODE_M300_ASSISTED_TAKEOFF | In assisted takeoff mode |
11 | MODE_M300_AUTO_TAKEOFF | In auto takeoff mode |
12 | MODE_M300_AUTO_LANDING | In auto landing mode |
15 | MODE_M300_NAVI_GO_HOME | In go home mode |
17 | MODE_M300_NAVI_SDK_CTRL | In sdk control mode |
31 | MODE_M300_S_SPORT | In sport mode |
33 | MODE_M300_FORCE_AUTO_LANDING | In force auto landing mode |
38 | MODE_M300_T_TRIPOD | In tripod mode |
40 | MODE_M300_SEARCH_MODE | In search mode |
41 | MODE_M300_ENGINE_START | In engine mode |
值 | Name | 描述 |
0 | MODE_HORSEFLY_MANUAL_CTRL | In manual control mode |
1 | MODE_HORSEFLY_AUTO_TAKEOFF | In auto takeoff mode |
2 | MODE_HORSEFLY_AUTO_LANDING | In auto landing mode |
3 | MODE_HORSEFLY_NAVI_GO_HOME | In go home mode |
4 | MODE_HORSEFLY_DROP | In drop mode |
Commands (MAV_CMD)
AVSS defined command. Set PRS arm statuses.
Param (Label) | 描述 |
1 (ARM status) | PRS arm statuses |
2 | User defined |
3 | User defined |
4 | User defined |
5 | User defined |
6 | User defined |
7 | User defined |
AVSS defined command. Gets PRS arm statuses
Param (Label) | 描述 |
1 | User defined |
2 | User defined |
3 | User defined |
4 | User defined |
5 | User defined |
6 | User defined |
7 | User defined |
AVSS defined command. Get the PRS battery voltage in millivolts
Param (Label) | 描述 |
1 | User defined |
2 | User defined |
3 | User defined |
4 | User defined |
5 | User defined |
6 | User defined |
7 | User defined |
AVSS defined command. Get the PRS error statuses.
Param (Label) | 描述 |
1 | User defined |
2 | User defined |
3 | User defined |
4 | User defined |
5 | User defined |
6 | User defined |
7 | User defined |
AVSS defined command. Set the ATS arming altitude in meters.
Param (Label) | 描述 | Units |
1 (Altitude) | ATS arming altitude | m |
2 | User defined | |
3 | User defined | |
4 | User defined | |
5 | User defined | |
6 | User defined | |
7 | User defined |
AVSS defined command. Get the ATS arming altitude in meters.
Param (Label) | 描述 |
1 | User defined |
2 | User defined |
3 | User defined |
4 | User defined |
5 | User defined |
6 | User defined |
7 | User defined |
AVSS defined command. Shuts down the PRS system.
Param (Label) | 描述 |
1 | User defined |
2 | User defined |
3 | User defined |
4 | User defined |
5 | User defined |
6 | User defined |
7 | User defined |