针对ROS 生成源文件

如果在使用 ros 时,需要添加基于MAVlink的messages/dialects,具体实施步骤如下:

  1. 按照 MAVROS 源安装说明,安装官方专门为ROS发布的 mavlink 库——mavlink-gbp-release。
  2. Uninstall the MAVlink package for ROS if previously installed.

     sudo apt-get remove ros-${rosversion -d}-mavlink

    or source devel/setup.bash of your catkin workspace to override the library directory.

  3. In the mavlink-gbp-release, add the new MAVlink message to common.xml or add the new dialect dialect_name.xml in the message definitions. Do not checkout your MAVlink branch because it is not the version synced with ROS.

  4. 采用命令 catkin build mavlink生成MAVlink 标头。 您可以在目录~/catkin_ws/build/mavlink/include/ 中找到标头(俗称,头文件)。

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